Browse Faculty

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Academic skills ACADEMIC Module
Archaeology and Forensics SUBJECT-ARC Pathway
Biomedical Science SUBJECT-BIO Pathway
Bradford:Fellowships - CS-LTQE-LT-PDRS CS-LTQE-LT-PDRS Module
Chemistry SUBJECT-CHE Pathway
Clinical Sciences SUBJECT-CLI Pathway
Computer Science SUBJECT-COM Pathway
Engineering SUBJECT-ENG Pathway
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Resource Bank EDI Module
Health Studies SUBJECT-HEA Pathway
Library LIBRARY Module
Management SUBJECT-MAN Pathway
Media, Design and Technology SUBJECT-MED Pathway
Optometry SUBJECT-OPT Pathway
Pharmacy SUBJECT-PHA Pathway
Research and Innovation Services RAIS Module
Social Sciences SUBJECT-SOC Pathway
Test lists TESTS Module

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