Lists linked to Social Sciences

Title Sort by title Academic Year Last updated Sort by last updated
General catalogues and databases 29/11/2024 16:46:59
Encyclopaedias and reference for health 01/09/2023 10:18:27
General databases for all subjects 28/02/2025 11:40:00
Historical sources 13/12/2024 15:58:39
Law sources for social sciences 19/06/2024 10:28:46
Newspapers 05/06/2023 12:17:55
Preprints 08/08/2023 08:33:44
Social Sciences: Data and Statistics 28/11/2024 11:11:25
Social Sciences: Databases and subject-specific resources 03/03/2025 16:22:34
Social Sciences: Encyclopaedias and reference 12/09/2024 12:29:18
Theses and Dissertations 05/12/2024 10:15:26