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Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
3D Character Creation GAV5012-B Module
3D Character Modelling and Animation GAV4003-B Module
Advanced AI Methods and Tools COS6030-B Module
Advanced Character Animation (Level 5) GAV5007-B Module
Advanced Drawing for Production GAV5020-B Module
Advanced Final Year Project CSE7011-D Module
Advanced Fluid Mechanics with Aerodynamics MAE6013-B Module
Advanced Game Technology And Development GAV5025-B Module
Advanced Geometric Design and Tolerancing (JLR) MAE7029-A Module
Advanced Geotechnics CSE7009-B Module
Advanced Machine Learning COS7045-B Module
Advanced MEng Research Project CPE7010-D Module
Advanced Process Modelling and Analysis MAE7035-B Module
Advanced Process Modelling and Analysis (JLR) MAE7027-A Module
Advanced Solid Mechanics MAE7013-B Module
Advanced Statistics for Engineering MAE7023-A Module
Advanced Statistics for Engineering MAE7032-B Module
Advanced Steel And Concrete Design CSE6011-B Module
Advanced Structural Analysis & Earthquake Engineering CSE7015-B Module
Advanced Structural Design CSE7014-B Module
Advanced Sustainable Energy ENG7014-B Module
Advanced Sustainable Research Project CSE6017-B Module
Advanced Topics in AI and Digital Healthcare COS7053-B Module
AI and Distributed Computing ELE7038-B Module
AI Methods and Tools COS4019-B Module
AI Project Design and Development COS4021-D Module
Application Programming And Development GAV5019-B Module
Applied Cryptography COS7052-B Module
Architectural Engineering Design Studio 1 CSE4004-B Module
Architectural Engineering Design Studio 2 CSE5015-D Module
Architecture in Global Contexts CSE4005-B Module
Artificial Intelligence COS5028-B Module
Augmented Reality Design: Principles and Practice GAV5023-B Module
Automotive Tribology and Noise Vibration and Harshness MAE7031-B Module
Big Data Systems and Analytics COS7006-B Module
Big Data Visualisation (PG) COS7046-B Module
Biomaterials with implant design and technology MHT6013-B Module
Braking of Road Vehicles MAE7021-A Module
British Film and Television Fiction FAM5006-B Module
Building Information Modelling CSE7018-B Module
Building Performance: Modelling and Simulations CSE5016-B Module
Business Systems Security COS7035-B Module
Cell and Tissue Biology MHT5007-B Module
Chemical Engineering Design Project CPE6007-D Module
Cinematic Language FAM7002-B Module
Classical Animation GAV5021-B Module
Clinical Biomechanics MHT7008-B Module
Clinical Diagnostics MHT7014-B Module
Clinical Instrumentation and Imaging MHT4004-B Module
Clinical Movement Analysis MHT5011-B Module
Cloud AI COS7054-B Module
Communication Satellite Systems ELE7035-B Module
Computer Aided Engineering ENB4002-B Module
Computer Architecture and Systems Software COS4001-B Module
Computer Communications and Networks COS5025-B Module
Concurrent and Distributed Systems COS6012-B Module
Construction Management CSE7008-B Module
Construction Technology 1 CSE4006-B Module
Construction Technology 2 CSE5018-B Module
Construction Technology 3 CSE6018-B Module
Conventions of Animation GAV4001-B Module
Creative Industries FAM3001-B Module
Creative Studio Production FAM4020-B Module
Cyber Physical Systems Security COS7051-B Module
Cyber Security COS6008-B Module
Data Science for Applied AI GAV5026-B Module
Data Science for Applied AI COS5029-B Module
Data Structures and Algorithms COS5021-B Module
Database Systems COS5020-B Module
Desalination Technology CPE7002-B Module
Design of Experiments and Response Surface Modelling MAE7024-A Module
Design of Experiments and Response Surface Modelling MAE7033-B Module
Design Of Steel And Concrete Structures CSE5012-B Module
Design, Build and Test (Biomedical and Clinical Technology) MHT4006-B Module
Design, Build and Test (Chemical) CPE4001-B Module
Design, Build and Test (Civil and Structural) CSE4003-B Module
Design, Build and Test (Mechanical) MAE4013-B Module
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiology MHT4008-B Module
Digital Architectural Communication 1 CSE4007-B Module
Digital Architectural Communication 2 CSE5019-B Module
Digital Compositing and Post Production GAV6016-B Module
Digital Compositing and Post Production GAV5018-B Module
Digital Preparation, Rotoscoping and Matte Painting GAV5015-B Module
Digital Signal Processing Systems ELE7040-B Module
Discipline-specific Artificial Intelligence Project COS5031-E Module
Dissertation COS7004-E Module
Drama Production FAM5021-D Module
Drawing for Production GAV4012-B Module
Earth Observation Satellite Systems ELE7036-B Module
Editing FAM4005-B Module
Electronics and Mechanics ELE4013-B Module
Electronics and Mechanics (Biomedical Engineering) MHT4007-B Module
Embedded Electronics ELE5016-B Module
Engineering And Chemical Thermodynamics CPE5009-B Module
Engineering Materials ENG4007-B Module
Engineering Mathematics and Machine Learning ENM5007-B Module
Enterprise Pro COS5019-B Module
Environmental Systems in Buildings CSE5020-B Module
Ethical Hacking COS7029-B Module
Experimental Filmmaking FAM6004-B Module
Experimental Practices FAM6020-B Module
Facial Modelling/Animation GAV5005-B Module
Factual Film and Television FAM5007-B Module
Factual Production FAM5022-D Module
Feasibility Study CSE6003-B Module
Film Industry Practices FAM7027-B Module
Final Year Project COS6006-D Module
Food and Pharmaceutical Process Engineering CPE7004-B Module
Foundation Mathematics 1 ENM3001-B Module
Foundation Mathematics 2 ENM3002-B Module
Foundation Mechanics MAE3001-B Module
Foundation Physics MAE3002-B Module
Foundations of Cryptography COS6007-B Module
Functional Anatomy And Human Physiological Measurements MHT5014-B Module
Functional Anatomy And Human Physiological Measurements MHT4009-B Module
Fundamentals of Materials MAE3003-B Module
Fundamentals of Programming COS4016-B Module
Further Engineering Mathematics and Statistics ENM5005-B Module
Game Appreciation and Industry Analysis GAV5010-B Module
Game Design, Programming and Development GAV5002-B Module
Geotechnical and Civil Engineering Design CSE6009-B Module
Ground Satellite Systems ELE7037-B Module
Group Project GAV6015-D Module
Group Project ENG5060-B Module
Healthcare Technology Project MHT5005-B Module
History and Conventions of Computer Games GAV4002-B Module
Independent Filmmaking FAM7029-B Module
Individual Project GAV6017-E Module
Individual Research Project ENG6003-D Module
Individual Research Project Civil and Structural Engineering CSE6012-B Module
Industrial AI Project COS6032-E Module
Industrial AI Project GAV6011-E Module
Industrial Big Data Analysis and Mining COS7050-B Module
Information and Communications Technologies ENB3001-B Module
Instrumentation, Measurement & Control Systems MHT5013-B Module
Integrated Design ENG6004-B Module
Integrated Problem Solving MAE7036-B Module
Integrated Problem Solving Using Six Sigma Methodology MAE7025-B Module
Internet Technologies COS4018-B Module
Introduction to 3D Computer Animation GAV4007-B Module
Introduction to Computer Programming for Games GAV4005-B Module
Introduction to Computing COS3003-B Module
Introduction to Digital Visual Effects GAV5030-B Module
Introduction to Virtual Reality GAV4013-B Module
ISO27000 Framework (Information Security Management System) COS7030-B Module
Large Scale Data Driven Applications COS6009-B Module
Look Development - Environment Creation, Lighting and Rendering GAV5029-B Module
Low-Carbon Industrial Energy and Materials ENG7016-B Module
MA Project FAM7003-E Module
Machine Learning COS6026-B Module
Machine Learning Methods and Models COS4020-B Module
Management of Project Procurement and Construction Contract CSE6020-B Module
Management of Project Procurement and Construction Contracts CSE7017-B Module
Mass Transfer Operations CPE5004-B Module
Mass Transfer Operations (At Distance) CPE5010-B Module
Materials And Manufacturing Technologies ENG5059-B Module
Materials Failure Analysis And Reliability MAE6018-B Module
Mathematical Methods and Applications ENM4004-B Module
Mathematics For Clinical Technologists ENM4005-B Module
Mathematics for Computing COS4014-B Module
Medical Ethics And Quality Management MHT6020-B Module
Mobile Application Development COS7025-B Module
Modelling and Optimisation ENM7005-B Module
Motion Capture GAV6018-B Module
Motion Capture and Digital Scanning GAV5017-B Module
Moving Image Production FAM4012-B Module
MSc Group Project COS7048-B Module
MSC Project ENG7002-E Module
Multi-camera Broadcasting FAM4021-B Module
Multidisciplinary Issues and Innovations COS5030-B Module
Navigation Satellite Systems ELE7034-B Module
Network Security COS7055-B Module
Numerical Analysis COS5018-B Module
Numerical Methods and Computer Graphics COS6021-B Module
Oil and Gas Management CPE7013-B Module
Petroleum Engineering CPE6006-B Module
Placement module ENG5002-Z Module
Play, Theory Practice GAV4014-B Module
Polymer and Materials Engineering CPE7012-B Module
Post Production FAM7010-B Module
Practices of Representation FAM6013-B Module
Principles of Security Technologies COS6025-B Module
Process Design CPE7014-B Module
Process Design CPE6005-B Module
Process Dynamics and Control CPE6009-B Module
Professional Studies CSE6021-B Module
Project Management CSE5021-B Module
Project Management And Six Sigma ENB7009-B Module
Project Management And Six Sigma ENB6010-B Module
Radiology and Radiation Engineering MHT4005-B Module
Reaction Engineering CPE5005-B Module
Regenerative Medicine MHT7013-B Module
Rehabilitation and Prosthetics MHT6019-B Module
Reliability and Safety Engineering ENB6009-B Module
Reliability Engineering MAE7034-B Module
Reliability Life Data Analysis MAE7022-A Module
Renal Technology MHT6014-B Module
Research Methods and Skills ELE7008-B Module
RF and Wireless Systems ELE7039-B Module
Risk Assessment and Management ENB6011-B Module
Risk Assessment and Management ENB7007-B Module
Robust Engineering Systems Analysis and Failure Mode Avoidance MAE7020-B Module
Screen Realism FAM7008-B Module
Script Programming and Technical Animation GAV5001-B Module
Short Form Commissioning FAM7028-B Module
Simulation Effects for Animation and Games GAV6012-B Module
Smart Grids and Power Systems Analysis ELE7031-B Module
Smart Grids Operation and Economics ELE7032-B Module
Software Design and Development COS4017-B Module
Software Development COS7009-B Module
Software Systems Design and Testing COS6028-B Module
Soil Mechanics CSE5009-B Module
Solid Mechanics and Vibration Analysis MAE5013-B Module
Soundscapes FAM5001-B Module
Soundscapes FAM4022-B Module
Space Dynamics and Systems Design ELE7033-B Module
Statistical Applications of Industrial Big Data COS7049-B Module
Stories and The Screen FAM4019-B Module
Story and Scriptwriting FAM4018-B Module
Storytelling, Narrative and Experience FAM5019-B Module
Strategic Management and Cost Engineering ENB7010-B Module
Structural Design Project CSE5014-B Module
Structural Mechanics and Analysis CSE5011-B Module
Study Abroad Experience ENG5004-Z Module
Supply Chain Management and Production ENB7008-B Module
Sustainability and Innovation for Engineers ENB7011-B Module
Sustainability in the Built Environment CSE6010-B Module
Sustainability in the Built Environment CSE7016-B Module
Sustainable Design Studio 1 CSE4008-D Module
Sustainable Design Studio 2 CSE5022-D Module
Sustainable Energy ENG6005-B Module
System Security Management COS5017-B Module
Systems Engineering Design Team Project ENG7012-D Module
Technical and Professional Skills COS4015-B Module
Telemedicine and E-Health MHT7015-B Module
The Applied AI Professional COS6031-D Module
Thermofluids 1 ENG4008-B Module
Thermofluids 2 MAE5012-B Module
Transport Phenomena CPE7011-B Module
Transport Processes CPE5008-B Module
Transportation Studies CSE7019-B Module
Transportation Studies CSE6013-B Module
Upstream Production and Refinery Operations CPE7007-B Module
Vehicle Design Analysis MAE6017-B Module
Vehicle Powertrain and Dynamics MAE7030-B Module
Water and Wastewater Treatment CSE7013-B Module
Water Engineering CSE5013-B Module
Wind and Solar Energy Systems ENG7015-B Module
​Integrated Sustainable Design Studio 3​ CSE6019-B Module
​​Applied Topics in Computer Science​ COS7056-B Module

Lists linked to Faculty of Engineering and Digital Technologies

Title Sort by title Academic Year Last updated Sort by last updated
Advanced Sustainable Research Project - CSE6017-B 2024-25 26/02/2025 12:50:37
Architectural Engineering Design Studio 2 - CSE5015-D 2024-25 17/07/2024 19:47:13
Building Performance: Modelling and Simulations - CSE5016-B 2024-25 06/02/2025 16:53:50
Construction Technology 3 - CSE6018-B 2024-25 07/02/2025 16:53:52
Integrated Sustainable Design Studio 3 - CSE6019-B 2024-25 26/02/2025 14:09:33
Multidisciplinary Issues and Innovations - COS5030-B 2024-25 06/02/2025 15:31:01